Know Who You Really Are, Balance Your Life, and Overcome Trauma

Compassionate Warrior Coaching with Kyle will affirm your true identity and help you live out your calling with freedom and purpose.


The Cost of Service

To serve is an honor and a privilege. But a life of service to others and the greater good comes at a cost, usually at the expense of oneself and/or their family. The longer a person remains in service, they face a higher chance of their holistic health (body-mind-soul-spirit) eroding, their marriage and family suffering, and their future goals and purpose becoming obscured. But does it have to be this way? Do our nations warriors and protectors have to come out struggling with anger, anxiety, addiction, depression, fear, post-traumatic stress, suicidal ideation, identity struggles, and marital struggles? Or is there another way?


- Your experiences and exposures while serving could make you stronger rather than weaker?

- You didn’t have to struggle with depression, suicidal ideation, or thoughts that keep you stuck in the past?

- Your marriage and family don’t have to be sacrificed for your vocation? 

- Your service was preparation for the next half of your life?

A Familiar Story

Having grown up in a law enforcement family and serving 10-years on active-duty in the military, Kyle understands all to well the hardships and sacrifices that come with a life of service. After several deployments to combat zones and enduring the rigors common to military life, Kyle found himself depleted and battling depression.

Although he was highly trained to handle the threats and challenges he would face in his job, he was not as prepared as he could have been to handle, process through, and move beyond the hardships brought on by his career. This left him confused about how navigate life moving forward.

Essentially, he was living his life by default (figuring out as he went) as opposed to living by design (having a plan and set goals for each stage of life according to his intended purpose). 

It wasn’t until after he exited the military that he went on an intentional journey of discovery, healing, and growth where he learned to not only move beyond trauma and hardship, but that he could come out stronger and better on the other side.

But he didn’t dare go on this journey by himself. A valuable lesson he had learned along the way was to never go it alone! Through both personal exploration and with the assistance of trusted family and friends, Kyle was introduced to the right people who would help him. In this process, he made a key discovery: the whole reason he went through these hardships was so that he could one day come alongside others and help them navigate the hardships and daily challenges they would face according to their own circumstances.

Recovering from the Past

For more than six years, Kyle has been coming alongside members of our armed forces, veterans, law enforcement, first responders, and their families to help them navigate the hardships and difficulties brought on by both life and/or career. More so, Kyle is also able to take his story and the tools he used along the way to our allied forces who are serving in wars and conflict zones across the globe to help them according to their great need. He finds no greater passion than taking people on a journey of knowing truth, discovering healing, and finding purpose for the entirety of their life. 

If you desire to work with Kyle or know someone who would benefit from his experiences, you are highly encouraged to set up a Discovery Call with him to begin mapping out a plan that is right for you! 

Enlist Kyle to help you navigate the following:

  • Anger
  • Anxiety/Stress
  • Addiction
  • Depression
  • Suicidal Ideation
  • Post Traumatic Stress
  • Intrusive thoughts from the past
  •  Identity (Understanding your life’s purpose beyond the uniform)
  • Marital and parenting issues
  •  Mapping out a plan once your service is complete

Compassionate Warrior Coaching Options

One-on-One Coaching


  • 1 hour coaching session with Kyle
  • Allow me to share my story with you as I unpack my successes and failures throughout my time of service
  • Allow me the opportunity to get to know you and learn your story
  • Let’s create a plan and together work through the obstacles and challenges that stand before you

Married Couples


  • Don’t sacrifice your marriage and family for your service
  • Learn how to navigate the demands and hardships of your job and come out stronger together
  • Map out a plan beyond your years of serving for your marriage, your children, your future, and your legacy

Pay What You Can

Scholarship Eligible

  • Propose a minimum offer and I will work with you on a price

  • Please do not take advantage. This is for individuals who desire to grow but are struggling financially and require financial assistance


When you click "Get Started," you'll be directed to fill out the Compassionate Warrior Inquiry Form, where you can select your preferred coaching option.

Target Audiences

Ready to Get Started? Fill Out the Compassionate Warrior Coaching Inquiry Form.

Start with a Free Discovery Call

If you're not sure exactly what you need, or you're in the process of filling out the Inquiry Form, you can schedule a free 30 minute Discovery Call with Kyle here!