

Kyle offers several services specifically designed to help individuals and groups identify and pursue their purpose. Get a preview below and learn more about each one!

TMPx Life Launch Coach

Designed for Anyone who Desires to Live and Lead a Life of Eternal Significance and Impact

Do you know the difference between a life of success and a life of significance? Step out on an intentional journey to discover who you are and what you are called to accomplish while on this Earth.

Meet one-on-one or in a small group with other like-minded individuals as you learn to make the most of each day while growing your eternal legacy.


Compassionate Warrior Coaching

Designed for Active Duty Military, Veterans, and First Responders

Your service brings with it many wonderful opportunities. But it also brings with it many hardships.

During and after your service, don’t go it alone! Take someone along with you to help navigate and overcome the various obstacles and difficulties you’ll encounter along the way.


Pursuit to Protect

Designed for Christian Singles Pursuing Marriage

Avoid the pitfalls of modern-day dating and learn how to step into a fulfilling relationship that leads to marriage according to God’s design!


Not Sure Where to Start? Book a Discovery Call.

Schedule a free call with Kyle to discuss the opportunities that may fit you best.