
โ€œThe average man finds life very uninteresting as it is. And I think the reason why is that he is always waiting for something to happen to him instead of setting to work to make things happen.โ€ โ€“ A.A. Milne


Many people are passionate about helping others. Few people have truly devoted their life to serving others. From a young age, Kyle has had a desire to serve others and come alongside them. That has continued forward all these years, remaining not only his passion, but transforming into his calling. Whether conducting a one-on-one coaching session, speaking publicly, or going to various people groups across the far reaches of the world, Kyle strives to serve those he encounters according to their immediate needs and long-term goals.


One of the first and most tangible ways Kyle was able to serve was in the military. What was once a desire to make a career out of military service has transformed into a desire to come alongside other active duty members, veterans, law enforcement officers, and first responders globally. Taking his own experiences from multiple peacetime and combat operations, he aims to help others navigate the demanding lifestyle of service by showing and teaching them what it is to live a healthy and enriching life, understanding their true identity, and moving beyond trauma commonly encountered in these vocations.


Kyle knows the value of mentorship in a person's life. From adolescence to the present, he has been fortunate enough to have had many mentors throughout the various seasons and dynamics life brings with it. We were not created to just "figure it out on our own." As the old African proverb goes, "If you want to go fast, go alone. If you want to go far, go with others." Mentorship is a gift, and Kyle has received this gift often. However, it is a gift that is to be shared, not hoarded. Will you let Kyle share that gift with you?


Other titles include teacher, instructor, and trainer. Kyle has had a lot of experience teaching in both formal and informal settings. Although he takes pleasure in passing off his experience, wisdom, and lessons learned to others, he has devoted himself to being a lifelong learner as well. He is eager to come alongside you, not just to teach you, but to learn from you and with you as well!

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Ready for Kyle to help you discover and pursue your purpose?ย Just click below to learn more about his coaching and speaking services.